2012 Calendar - being
集結精選今年民國100年較具深刻意義的:能高越嶺、單車環島、西藏旅行和嘉明湖攝影照片整理,印製了2012年桌曆當作紀念,也算是對於新一年(2012, 民國101年)的期許吧!
being |ˈbēiNG|
present participle of be.
1 existence: the railroad brought many towns into being | the moment when the universe came into being .
• living; being alive: holism promotes a unified way of being.
2 [ in sing. ] the nature or essence of a person: sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others.
3 a real or imaginary living creature, esp. an intelligent one: alien beings | a rational being.
一直覺得字義很不賴!還蠻符合這些過去的累積或未來的日子我個人想要傳達的中心意念,早在之前買了單車,取了being team這名字就當做品牌在看待。
Wish you have a good day!